

Andaman & Nicobar Administration Recruitment 2023 - 2023

Andaman & Nicobar Administration has advertised a latest employment notification noticeable as Andaman & Nicobar Administration Recruitment 2023 with thorough details. The organisation invites Online employment form from eligible and competent job seekers to fill up 2520 vacant posts of Group-C positions. Aspirant with the required & essential eligibility criteria are most welcomed to grab this career option by applying Andaman & Nicobar Administration Online Application Form earlier to the closure date (19th May 2023).Job finders those who are keen and qualified they may apply after getting the details through the below section of this page of

Andaman & Nicobar Administration RECRUITMENT 2023 - 2023 DETAILS

Name of Govt organisation: Andaman & Nicobar Administration

Offered Posts Name : Group-C

Total Number of Vacant Seats: 2520

Detailed Information of vacant Positions:

1. Assistant Chargeman - 01 
2. Assistant Craft Instructor - 2
3. Assistant Fitter - 6
4. Assistant Mechanic - 23
5. Assistant Mechanic (DHS) - 1
6. Assistant Store Keeper - 10
7. Assistant Store Keeper (Transport) - 7
8. Assistant Tyre Repairer - 1
9. Assistant Cook - 1
10. Ayah - 58
11. Barber - 1
12. Battery Fitter - 1
13. Bearer (Tourism) - 2
14. Bell Boy (Tourism) - 1
15. Bill Distributor - 10
16. Binder - 1
17. Blacksmith & Tinsmith- 1
18. Black Smith - 4
19. Boat Keeper - 1
20. Body Builder - 3
21. Bus Conductor - 142
22. Bus Driver - 59
23. Caretaker - 2
24. Carpenter - 6
25. Carpenter (TGCE) - 1
26. Chainman - 1
27. Chowkidar (MTS) - 1
28. Chowkidar (Transport) - 20
29. Chowkidar (DHS) - 14
30. Chowkidar (DSS) - 1
31. Cinema Operator - 1
32. Cinema Operator (IP Division) - 2
33. Cleaner - 38
34. Cleaner (Transport) - 1
35. Cobbler - 1
36. Conductor - 17
37. Cook - 47
38. Coppersmith - 1
39. Craft Instructor - 1
40. Tinsmith (DSS) - 1
41. Deck Rating - 95
42. Dhobi - 2
43. Diesel Mechanic - 1
44. Dispatch Rider - 1
45. Draughtsman Grade-III - 4
46. Dresser - 13
47. Driver Tourist Bus - 4
48. Electrician - 10
49. Welder - 1
50. Warder - 5
51. Field Assistant - 2
52. Fisheries Field Assistant - 19
53. Fitter - 19
54. Forest Guard -29
55. Gaon Sathi - 04
56. Gateman - 01
57. Surveyor/ Tracer - 01
58. Surveyor - 02
59. Hammerman - 01
60. Hatchery Operator - 02
61. Head Mechanic - 06
62. Head Worker - 22
63. HVD - 3
64. Heavy Motor Vehicle Driver - 2
65. Heavy Vehicle Driver - 7
66. Helper - 7
67. Hostel Attendant - 1
68. Instructor - 2
69. Janjati Sevak - 24
70. Jettyman - 2
71. Khalasi - 1
72. Lab Attendant - 9
73. Laboratory Attendant - 1
74. Lascar - 15
75. Library Attendant - 2
76. Staff Car Driver - 14
77. SCD - 10
78. Driver - 14
79. Light Vehicle Driver - 2
80. LVD - 1
81. Staff Car Driver (OG) - 2
82. Light Motor Vehicle Driver (IP Division) - 1
83. Light Motor Vehicle Driver (Tourism) - 3
84. Driver (AH&VS) - 6
85. SCD(OG) - 1
86. Staff Car Driver (Education) - 4
87. Light Vehicle Driver (DSS) - 7
88. Lineman - 51
89. Log Writer - 2
90. Machine Turner - 6
91. Machinist - 2
92. Mali - 3
93. Mate Carpenter - 5
94. Mazdoor - 429
95. Regular Mazdoor - 109
96. Mazdoor/ Field Worker - 14
97. Mazdoor (Transport) - 28
98. Mazdoor & Attendant - 40
99. Mazdoor (Dockyard) - 49
100. Mechanic - 12
101. Mender - 2
102. Motor Mechanic - 22
103. MTS - 244
104. Multi Task Staff - 169
105. MTS (Peon, Chowkidar Sweeper/ Safaiwala) - 3
106. Munshi - 1
107. Oiler - 2
108. Painter - 3
109. Peon - 9
110. Peon/ PCC/ MTS - 2
111. Photography Attendant - 2
112. Plant Operator & Mechanic - 2
113. Plater - 10
114. Refrigerator Mechanic - 1
115. Staff Car Driver (Industries Board) - 1
116. RFA -29
117. Safaiwala - 47
118. Safai Karmachari - 10
119. SBEO - 22
120. Seacunny - 5
121. Shop Clerk 4
122. Skilled Machinist - 2
123. Skilled Worker - 12
124. Surveyor (F&E) - 1
125. Sweeper (Transport) - 5
126. Techograph Reader - 2
127. Tailor - 2
128. Tea Maker - 1
129. Technician 1
130. Telephone Attendant - 4
131. Time Keeper - 2
132. Tin Smith - 2
133. Tracer - 2
134. Tractor Driver - 3
135. Tractor Mate - 3
136. Turner - 1
137. Tyre Repairer - 2
138. Vety Compounder - 1
139. Ward Attendant - 54
140. Warder (Male) - 28
141. Watchman - 5
142. Weighman - 3
143. Welder (DSS) - 6
144. Welder (Transport) - 3
145. Welder (Electricity) - 1
146. Assistant Mechanic - 5
147. Constable (Driver) - 28
148. Diesel Mechanic (Male) - 1
149. Fitter Electrician - 3
150. Follower Messenger - 13
151. Mechanic Helper (PC) - 2
152. Engine Room Rating - 67
153. Utility Hand - 29
154. General Servant - 1
155. Engine Dinghy Operator - 4
156. Engine Dinghy Helper - 4

Educational Qualification: The desirous and keen individuals must be  10th, ITI from a recognized Board / University / Institute.

Selection Process / Criteria:
  • Applicants shall get shortlisted on the basis of Written Exam/ Interview.
Procedure to Apply for Andaman & Nicobar Administration Recruitment 2023 - 2023:
  • Contenders willing to apply for Andaman & Nicobar Administration vacancy should visit to the official website that is
  • Start to fill the online application form as per the instructed guidelines and upload the scanned copies of required documents within given time period by using the browse button.
  • Click on the “Submit” button and take the print out for further references.
Important Date to Keep in Mind:
Online Registration Would Be Open From : 29-04-2023.
Closing Date For Apply Online : 19-05-2023.

official Website :
